Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Swimming in Heaven

Okay so Heaven might be a little far from the truth but only a little. Midway is basically a piece of Heaven! We took some of our nieces and nephews swimming up in Midway this past Saturday. My sister in-law Sara  just had twins and to top it off those twins are child # 5 and #6! There is no other way to put it, she is simply amazing. I felt like I was drowning with one child and she seems cool and collected with TWINS. She is so sleep deprived yet happy, patient, kind, and so loving to all of her children. She is an excellent example to me of what kind of mother I am striving to be. Anyways we took her oldest three children Emma, Mary, and Seth.

These three are so well behaved! We had a ton of fun playing in the water for a couple of hours and Anabelle loved it too! 

Left to Right: Belle, Emma, John, Mary
Seth didn't want to come over for the picture so we took one by himself!
Seth and John
Emma and Belle

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