My mother went to beauty school so I have learned bits and pieces on how to cut hair all growing up. I’ve cut about 10 guys hair in my entire life but I by no means know what I am really doing. Anyways John needed a haircut and since I wanted to style his hair different than it was I told him I’d cut it. I even called my mom and said, “Mom, when you come into town next week you have to help me cut and style John’s hair!” So when my mom was in town she helped me. It made me nervous because I
was cutting it way shorter than he was used and hoping that it was going to look better like I thought it would. And I know he doesn’t care that much but I was worried he wasn’t going to like it. I could tell that when he first looked in the mirror he was shocked and wasn’t quite convinced of how good it looked….but no worries, it did look good! John even said something to the effect of well you are the one that has to look at me so if you like it great!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
John’s haircut by his stylist Chelsie
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
When Life is Worth Living
I volunteer at the hospital here in Provo every Wednesday night as a patient visitor. I go around the rooms and if a patient is awake and doesn’t have any visitors I stop by and say hello. Tonight I talked to Wesley from Maine. We talked all about his life, his children, his hobbies, his religion, but there is one thing that he said that I want to remember. He said,
“When you find the right one, that’s when life is worth living.”
He was telling me about his wife when he said that. I could see the love for her in his eyes as he talked about her.
I instantly thought of my John. Wes must have seen it in my eyes that I was thinking of my love because he quickly asked me if I was married or dating anybody and I told him I was dating this boy. I even told him that he just barley met the my family. Wes said, “So do you think he’s the one.” I replied, “I don’t know, but I sure hope so.”
John has become a man who ceases to amaze me. He is so willing to work, to serve, to love, to play, to laugh, to listen, to learn, and so many more things. I never expected to feel the way I do about John when he introduced himself to me in our chemistry class. He literally came out of nowhere and knocked me off my feet. The best part being he caught we so gracefully in his arms and I have been his ever since.
I would be lying if I said we were the perfect couple and everyday was pure bliss because we’re not. We most definitely have our differences and we most definitely have our rough days. But we are both hard workers and we are dedicated to each other. Working through the rough days is what makes us strong and the soaking up the good days is what keeps us going.
25. Go on a bike ride (not just around the block)
I love my family for many reasons but one of the reasons I love my family so much is because we go do things together. My dad had suggested a bike ride and before you know it we were all garbed up and ready to go on what turned out to be a 15 mile bike ride. And these 15 miles were not easy ones! The whole trail was constantly up and down hill. Pretty sweet that my parents and my grandpa White love to do things like that. I hope that when I’m as old as my grandpa I can still do things like this! John was a trooper because number one his knee was bothering him, number two he had worked out for the first time since his accident the day before so he was painfully sore! He’s the best and I love him!
Yes my littler brother is kind of like my big jungle gym! I love that kid to pieces!
Oh and we can’t forget that after the bike ride we all went to JCW’s for burgers and shakes!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
40. side walk chalk funness
We had so much fun coloring on the wall and the sidewalk right outside my apartment. John was the mastermind of our sunset on the beach.I was most definitely the mastermind of the footsteps which is one my favorite part of our mural.
We didn’t have a dark color but the grass was wet and there was some mud so we used that to do the footsteps. I only did my footsteps half of the way and John looked at me kind of funny when I didn’t finish and I shrugged my shoulders and said, “You picked me up.”
Then there is the volleyball net because I love volleyball!
Everything we do seems to be turned into an adventure whether the adventure is sitting on our living room couch while talking or on the beach in California having a mud fight.
37. Manti Pageant
To continue our adventures, we decided to head out to Manti with John’s ward for the Mormon Miracle Pageant. Oddly enough, the ride seemed to have more entertaining value than the actual event itself!
Apparently, John didn’t get the serious face memo… We rode up in my car with Levi, Ashley, and Joel. Me and Ashley had a little catch up session on the ride up.
The pageant was interesting but obviously not quite interesting enough because I slept through half of it. The temple was beautiful! It’s the first time I have ever seen the Manti temple.
Friday, June 18, 2010
1. tandem biking
Together again we are back to our bucket list. It is so fun to have a list that of never ending fun activities. It seems almost impossible to get all 50 done by the end of the summer but we are going to try!
Our first full day back together it was a beautiful day so we decided to go tandem biking. John started in the front which meant he got to steer and brake. We went all the way to an ice cream shop and stopped to get a little bit.
I’m sure this is John’s favorite part about this story…when we came out he asked if I wanted to drive. We switched and started going. I don’t know if it was really hard or if I was just freaking myself out but I could barely steer the bike strait. I kept screaming John, John!! As if it was his fault or something. He replied, “I can’t do anything, you’re steering!” Two seconds later I stopped and said you drive. The look on his face was shocked and confused. “Did you just ask me to drive?” I was already off the bike waiting for him to switch me spots. We laughed about it and I was really glad John was there to drive because we might not have made it home if I had had to drive! John we look SO good as tandem bikers!
Home Again!
I got home two days ago and am still suffering from a little bit of jet lag. Hence I woke up at 5:45am this morning and finally got up at 6:15 because I was wide awake.
John is such a sweet heart. He works at for the BYU sport camps and stays the nights with the boys. He told he was going to be working and had tried to but couldn’t leave to come and pick me up from the RB when I got back from the airport. Although I was sad he couldn’t come pick me up, I understood he was working and knew I would see him the next morning. When we got to the RB, I was completely oblivious to him standing a little ways away by his car. A friend motioned to me in his direction and as soon as a realized it was John, I dropped all my stuff and ran to him. Best surprise ever! I was so happy and completely surprised!
He took me to my apartment and this was above my door. I stood under the door, put my arms in the door and exclaimed, “I LOVE AMERICA!” I was so happy to be home, but more than that I was happy to be with my John once again.
Not only did he make a sign, he put streamers in my kitchen and ,this is my favorite one, he gave me a picture frame of the two of us. So cute! I already hung it up in my room!
John is my very favorite. We were apart for longer than a month which is an experience I NEVER want to repeat. But once again I am here where my heart is and I couldn’t be any happier! I thank God everyday for this wonderful man that I happened to stumble upon. Our friendship was instant, our love is strong and continues to grow each day. I love you Mr. John Wilde and can’t wait for each moment I have to share with you!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Away and Out of Reach
John and I have now been apart for longer than we have been together. It is awe shocking when I think of the path our relationship has taken and the things we have already been through in such a short amount of time. Shortly after our first date we endured finals together while spending every spare minute we could with each other. Then we left for California and spent a week there at his families house while we literally spent every waking moment we could in each other’s company. Then I returned to Utah to start rehearsals for our tour in the British Iles. John came out about a week later to spend a few days with me. I left for the weekend to St. George for our annual women’s trip. I came back and John left about 2 days later for California to get knee surgery. He then went to Hawaii and before he came back to Provo I left for England. It is the tenth and in two days we won’t have seen each other for exactly one month.
We have not only been away from each other but now contact with him has become almost impossible. Because so few people and places have free wifi I haven’t been able to talk with John almost at all. It has been very hard and very different. With no contact I can only hope that he misses me as I miss him. And I can only hope that things will return to exactly if not better than the way I remember them. I only have 6 more days until I return to the states. Yesterday when it hit a week before we come home I started thinking a week isn’t that long. I can most definitely make it a week! I pray him every day, I love him and I miss him.
I found this at Pleasure Beach, a theme park, and couldn’t resist!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Friday, June 4, 2010
Twas the best of times, Twas the worst of times
But, now we enter into to hardest stage of our relationship, where the distance reveals its entirety-- twelve days of no promise of communication. It's sad and unfortunate that it needs to happen, but when life throws you a bouncy ball, you gotta pick it up and play with it (assuming its an actual bouncy ball and not a plastic ball that thuds when you throw it to the ground:)) I love our relationship, I love you Chelsie. Only 12 more days until I get to have you back in my daily life!
PS: I picked something up for you in Hawaii, hope you enjoy it!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010
This has been an amazing day for two reasons…
Number 1: So it is super late but I was so excited we won I had to share! We have worked so hard as a team and it has paid off.
Number 2: I got to talk to and see the love of my life today through the internet! I can not believe how wonderful he is and how it made my heart jump just to hear his voice and see his smile. He means more to me each day! I’m not sure how that is possible considering I am thousands of miles away from him but it surely is happening.
'Distance makes the heart grow fonder or you start to wander
And my heart is most definitely growing fonder of my Mr. John! I love you very much and I’m so happy I got to talk to you today!