Wednesday, June 23, 2010

25. Go on a bike ride (not just around the block)

P1000813 I love my family for many reasons but one of the reasons I love my family so much is because we go do things together. My dad had suggested a bike ride and before you know it we were all garbed up and ready to go on what turned out to be a 15 mile bike ride. And these 15 miles were not easy ones! The whole trail was constantly up and down hill. Pretty sweet that my parents and my grandpa White love to do things like that. I hope that when I’m as old as my grandpa I can still do things like this! John was a trooper because number one his knee was bothering him, number two he had worked out for the first time since his accident the day before so he was painfully sore! He’s the best and I love him!

 DSC00568  DSC00570 Yes my littler brother is kind of like my big jungle gym! I love that kid to pieces!
DSC00571Oh and we can’t forget that after the bike ride we all went to JCW’s for burgers and shakes!

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