I can't believe I actual took this task on all by myself! Well actually I can't take all the credit myself cause my grandpa helped me out a ton.

I forgot to take a picture of the table before I started but the chair is the same color as the table was originally.
I first sanded the whole top of the table top which took forever and the lightly sanded around the edges of the table and the legs.

I put two coats of this on. First using a paint brush and second using my grandpa's sprayer.

Then I put three coats of this on with a foam brush. In between each coat I sanded it with 220 sandpaper to smooth it. Unfortunately I should have used an oil based, not a water based finish because the paint was oil based so now we have to wait like over a week for our table to cure. So don't make the same mistake.
Anyways it took a long time and I tried to surprise John and do it while he was in California but he looked at our bank account and saw the charges to Home Depot and guessed that that it was I was doing. So he cheated and blew his own surprise.
But here it is! It definitely isn't perfect but I think it turned out great especially for my first time refinishing something.

These pictures make it look a little more red than the table actually is.