Friday, July 29, 2011

Mine and Maggy's First Spin

At home without John and my new sewing machine I was excited to start pretending I know how to sew. So I decided I'd make curtains. All strait lines right, can't be too hard.
Here is my little kitchen window before I did anything. I bought a curtain rod and one 84in long curtain. I came home cut the curtain in half and then made two small curtains.
Super easy, measure, cut, fold and iron, pin and then sew! The hardest part of this whole thing was remembering how to thread my bobbin. No joke it took me 4 or 5 tries and I threw away so much thread! Had to learn somehow.To add something extra I decided to put ribbon at the bottom of my curtain.
And VoilĂ  here is the finished product. Who ever knew I could actually be domestic!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Sexy vs Modesty

"I find the whole concept of being ‘sexy’ embarrassing and confusing. If I do an interview with photographs people desperately want to change me - dye my hair blonder, pluck my eyebrows, give me a fringe. Then there’s the choice of clothes. I know everyone wants a picture of me in a mini-skirt. But that’s not me. I feel uncomfortable. I’d never go out in a mini-skirt. It’s nothing to do with protecting the Hermione image. I wouldn’t do that. Personally, I don’t actually think it’s even that sexy. What’s sexy about saying, ‘I’m here with my boobs out and a short skirt, have a look at everything I’ve got?’ My idea of sexy is that less is more. The less you reveal the more people can wonder. - Emma Watson

I read this on my girlfriends blog and loved it. Hope you love it too.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Meet Maggy

She is strong, a hard worker, so cute, and soon to be full of personality even though I don't even know how to use her...or any machine for that matter. But nonetheless I am enthralled and can't wait to get started on my first project.

Magnolia is a Janome which my mother in law swears by for her sewing. I know zilch about sewing but after looking at reviews of different models I decided on the Janome 7330. And Aricka showed me how to load my bobbin today and I seriously felt like a five year old with my new toy. I was ecstatic!

So Merry Early Christmas to me from my in laws! She bought me it so early because I am taking a clothing construction class in the fall and even though I've heard it is hard and time consuming I am really excited!

Maggy is so cool!

Thanks Mamma Wilde!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Back in Paradise

After 11 hours in the car with Aricka and my sweet mother in law I was finally at home again in the arms of my Johnny. Isn't he cute!?
John left for California two weeks ago for a medical internship here at his dad's hospital. So I've spent two lonely weeks by myself in Provo Utah. Except I wasn't too lonely because Tiff had her baby boy, Hunter Trey Copple, so my parents were in town.
Brooklyn was so sweet with him. She would hold him and even bounce him! adorable!
I love my mother it was so fun to see her and spend so much time with her! But all along I was missing my wonderful husband and he was of course missing me while he was here in California.

I can't explain how great it is to be with my Johnny once again. Just knowing he is around and I get to see and be with him everyday brings happiness into my heart. I am so lucky to have found a man who brings me so much joy. And of course it is wonderful to be in the beautiful paradise of California!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Halfway Around the World

I got to go on tour in Thailand and then to Vietnam for 3 weeks with the Ballroom Dance Company and it was amazing! One of the best parts was of course the elephant riding and the elephant show.
These elephants should be named Michelangelo because not only could they paint....but their paintings were thousands of times better than mine!

At some of our shows we would get mobbed by the audience who all wanted to take pictures with us. For the first time in my life I almost felt like a celebrity and I am just a regular person because smiling for that long is exhausting. And this little girl was so cute that I wanted a picture too!
Yep, python!
This is a bodhi which is the tree where Buddha recieved enlightenment. Anyways really sacred tree and really expensive wood comes from this tree. So in order to stop people from cutting them down, people ordain them monks. And it works that little red and yellow thing around the tree means it is an ordained tree!
Attuyawa Temple ruins. I've never sweat more that on this day. 100 degrees in 100 percent humidity equals sweat pouring from my whole body and everyone else's.
This is in a tuk tuk where we got ripped off and driven all over the whole city! Crazy and frustrating at the time but it makes for a good story and we only lost a few bucks.
In Thailand at the Grand Palace. The building was covered in little pieces of glass/reflective stuff and the whole things sparkled in the sun.

Yes I ate all of those things! eek it was scary! Except for this guy...this little fried crab never made it into my mouth...nope nope nope!

Coconut water....don't really like it but it was okay.
This was in the Cuchi tunnels. During the Vietnam war the Vietnamese built tunnels under the ground to hide in. The tunnels were TEENY!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Dumpster Diving

So we wanted to paint our envelope slash whatever else holder BLACK! Well we had some spray paint and primer but we had a...

PROBLEM : No newspaper
SOLUTION: dumpster diving for newspaper!

Well we were arguing about who should have to go jump in the dumpster but we decided the loser of rock paper scissors would get to do the honors. No need to guess who won!
He's so cute even in a dumpster!
First was the grey primer!

Then the black spray paint! We took turns spraying it because we were both so excited! It turned out great! Sorry no end picture! I forgot to take one!