After 11 hours in the car with Aricka and my sweet mother in law I was finally at home again in the arms of my Johnny. Isn't he cute!?
John left for California two weeks ago for a medical internship here at his dad's hospital. So I've spent two lonely weeks by myself in Provo Utah. Except I wasn't too lonely because Tiff had her baby boy, Hunter Trey Copple, so my parents were in town.
I love my mother it was so fun to see her and spend so much time with her! But all along I was missing my wonderful husband and he was of course missing me while he was here in California.
I can't explain how great it is to be with my Johnny once again. Just knowing he is around and I get to see and be with him everyday brings happiness into my heart. I am so lucky to have found a man who brings me so much joy. And of course it is wonderful to be in the beautiful paradise of California!
He's darling!