My wonderful sister in-law Kyrsten has had quite the emotional week. Her little 1 year old boy, Jimmy, came down with a fever so they took him into the hospital. They found a tumor attached to his kidney. Needless to say he is doing fine and will go into surgery this next Wednesday to get it removed. I don't know very much about the whole situation but my overall feeling of the is that everyone feels very peaceful among these trying times. I'm so grateful for our understand of the gospel that helps to put everything into perspective. But regardless of perspective this situation is an emotional and trying time for the families that surround Jimmy. Please keep Jimmy and everyone else in your prayers.
John's parents flew him out to Missouri to help his Kyrst and Rob out with their other two boys, Ty and Robbie. So I lost my husband to a better cause. I miss him dearly but know he is where he is needed most. He was so willing and ready to go in the blink of an eye. He flew out on Thursday morning out to Missouri to help out with the kids and with the house and with whatever was needed. I'm sure Robbie and Ty have loved having Uncle Johnny around to play with. I hope he has helped to give some relief to the Haas family.
I miss Johnny loads and loads! He is my very best friend and I am so glad I chose to marry him. It has turned out to be one of the best and most rewarding decisions I have ever made. He helps me to be a better person and still loves me when I'm not. I can't express my gratitude for the person he is and for the husband he is to me. I'm a lucky women! I wish everyone could be as happy and in love with their spouse as I feel and am!
Here are a few random pictures and reasons for why I am so in love with my Johnny!
He lets me kiss him almost anytime I want |
He is absolutely hilarious and yes he thinks of these crazy silly random things to do like take a picture under the huge elephant statue's foot and pretend he is getting squished! |
Yes, we are going to the Zoo and look at that face so determined to get there on time! |
He loves sea animals and fish almost more than he loves me! |
His favorite pair of sunglasses aren't the $100 ones he gave to his brother but the $5 ones from Walmart. |
He surprised me and was an excellent shot! |
He is so handsome! |
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