Monday, May 31, 2010
The Joys of Separation cont.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
The Joys of Separation
A few days ago John found out that it has possibly been costing him $0.40 a minute to talk to me on the phone from Hawaii because of roaming charges so we stopped talking on the phone. Which has lead to almost no communication because of the time difference and schedule difference. We have been able to g-chat twice but only for a few minutes both times because John had to go. It’s been really frustrating and hard and I miss John a ton. But tomorrow morning I leave for Blackpool England and hopefully being away and busy with other things will help me not remember how hard it is not to be with him.
It sure seems like something does not want us to be together because so many things are trying to keep us apart. It was almost funny when we found out we couldn’t talk on the phone anymore. It was almost like, yeah we should have expected that to go wrong too. But within the hardship and the unexpected twists and turns it really does allow the room to learn and to grow.
Although these past few weeks have been really tough, the distance and space has been good for me to realize what John really means to me. I am so grateful for him in my life and I am so grateful Heavenly Father allowed our paths to cross at the right time. He is a wonderful man and I feel so lucky to be able to build a healthy and loving relationship with him.
I miss you John way more than I expected to and I can’t wait till we are together again.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
California to Provo….soon to be Hawaii to England
So John left a week and a half ago and I hate that we don’t get to be together. It is hard to have the only contact you have be through the phone. These past few days have had some interesting ups and downs for us because of the distance and we have both decided that this whole long distance thing sucks. Remind me never to do it again! I guess this time I didn’t really have a choice but it still is absolutely no fun. I am so grateful for John and the effort he has put in to make things work with us even though we are in different states and soon to be in different countries. Here are a few of the things he has done…
1. John and I had a few really rough days because of some misunderstandings and miscommunication. After we talked about it a little bit, he had his brother Dan, who was still in Provo, go buy and drop off flowers at my apartment. So sweet and thoughtful! It still took us a day or two to figure everything out but as all couples know, even the best relationships take work. My love for John grew even more after we worked through things together.
2. This past Saturday I got a letter in the mail from my dearest John. Reading it warmed my heart and brought the biggest grin to my face.
3. This morning I was making my breakfast and I pulled out my can of oatmeal and this is what I found. The funniest part of this story is that I have used my oatmeal at least three times since he left and this is the first time I noticed the note. PS John is my very favorite!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Why John can't be with Chelsie right now...

Sunday, May 16, 2010
Premiere of Blackpool Medley’s
John went back home to California to get knee surgery. He tore his meniscus back in February in a car accident. But because he had to go get surgery he couldn’t come to my pre-tour show for our tour in England and Scotland. We danced our Medley’s for the first time in our new dresses and I kept telling John how pretty these dresses were. He told me to take pictures so he could see, so here are the standard medley dresses.This is me and Scott my dance partner. There are so many rhinestones all over each dress, each person on the team had to put 20 hours of stoning in and there are 32 people on the team! That is a lot of hours!
These are my two favorite girls on team, Becky and Christina. I don’t know what I would do without them on team!
Saturday, May 15, 2010
20. Cook together (once a week)
We made this fabulous meal the day I got back from Women’s Trip. It was Thai Chicken with a Peanut sauté sauce….not exactly sure what to call it. When we were putting the ingredients in I kept thinking oh dear these do not sound good together but surprisingly it turned out really good. We each decorated our own plate and had a contest to see whose plate looked better.
Guess whose plate is whose?
First plate is Chelsie’s, second plate is John’s.